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mark as read

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 11:28 pm
by rz1
I'm guessing this is long shot, but I'll ask anyway. Is there any way to "mark as read" a group? This is a feature of MT-Newswatcher. This is a key feature if you have a set list of groups that you always read. Rather than have it give you that "Last X days" worth of files in a group, it keeps tabs on what articles you've read, and only shows you the ones you haven't read yet. At the end of a session, you can "mark the group as read", so that the next time you login it only shows what's new since the last time you logged in. So it doesn't matter if it's been 5 days or 5 weeks. You don't have to remember when it was, it only shows you what's unread. Unison didn't do this, which is one big reason I never used it. The only thing I used it for was for nzb files, until I found your NZBin program (which is great by the way!). I'm pretty sure MT-Newswatcher uses a .newsrc file to keep track of everything.

Re: mark as read

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 12:43 am
by Support
That shouldn't be hard to build.
I'll put it on the todo list and will be implemented in one of the upcoming releases.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Re: mark as read

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:49 am
by Support
Starting with release 0.91.3 new messages are tagged with a different color.
This way you can see what's new since you last visit the group (or search phrase).
Note that this only works for previous searches and bookmarks from the search history panel (left panel in MegaSearch).

If you want the newest postings on top then sort on date.

This feature can be turned on/off in preferences->MegaSearch->History->Tag new articles

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