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Simultaneous Search Newsgroups
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 11:42 am
by dbtinc
It would be convenient if I could do a single search on multiple news groups rather than a search for each newsgroup.
Re: Simultaneous Search Newsgroups
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 1:01 pm
by Support
Usenetic v1.1.1 is released a few seconds ago and that version includes your request.
It now handles multiple selections from the pulldown as OR instead of AND.
You can also do this manually without using the pulldown as follows:
For example:
You want to search in the newsgroups alt.binaries.atari & alt.binaries.boneless
Enter in the newsgroups field: ((alt.binaries.atari) OR (alt.binaries.boneless)) and Usenetic will search through both groups.
Please note that "OR" should be capitalised and the whole phrase AND each newsgroup within parenthess.
Thank you.